How You Can Allow The Blocked Programs though Using Webroot?

Webroot antivirus software protects your device's data and health. It creates a defense fortress against vulnerable viruses, malware, Trojans, and other threats to your devices and data. The Webroot antivirus prevents viruses from spreading by downloading files and folders. Sometimes, Smart Firewall can also block certain programs that need to be accessed via the Internet.

This feature blocks files and programs that are downloaded via web browsers. There's more to this feature. These files, which are online, must be accessed. We cannot access them because they are blocked by the firewall. These files and programs could include valuable streaming media files, network game files, or custom business apps. This article will explain how to access blocked programs using Webroot antivirus. Let's continue the discussion!

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What are the Steps to Allow a Blocked Program?

You can access blocked programs with the Webroot antivirus software by following the steps below.

First, start Webroot.

If the "My Webroot window" appears on-screen you will need to click the "Device Security" option.

You will then need to click on the "Open” button.

You must click on "Settings" in the Webroot main window.

Tap on "Firewall" in the "Settings window.

On the Program control tab, select the program you wish to allow internet access for.

To access the program entry, click on "Allow" in the access drop-down menu.

Click on the "Apply” option.

Make sure you follow the instructions until the process is completed.

Here are some points to keep in mind:

This default setting allows the Webroot firewall to automatically configure the Internet access settings of web-enabled applications the first time they run. Automatic program control sets the rules when a program attempts to access the Internet. You can disable the Automatic control of the Webroot if you need to know the internet access settings or files you wish to access. When a program attempts to access the Internet for the first time, you will be prompted to adjust the access settings.

How do I turn off the Webroot program control?

These are the steps you need to take in order to do it.

First, open the Webroot app.

Click on the "Open" button if you see the option "My Webroot window".

In the Webroot main window, tap on the "Settings".

Next, click on Firewall in the Settings window.

Tap on the "Advanced Program Control", option found in the Firewall settings window.

You can go to the Automatic Program Control row.

To turn off, move the on/off switch.

In a conclusive viewpoint:

We hope that by the end of this topic you will be able to allow blocked programs while using Webroot anti-virus. You can still visit the Webroot official website at i.e. If you are stuck, you can always visit to get help from experts.


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