Some Tips Before You Throw Away Your Old Computer

You are ready to let go of your old computer because it is no longer useful and has many technical issues. You have tried everything possible to get it to work and you are ready to welcome a new computer to your home. Although it may seem simple, you should be aware that there are serious security risks associated with removing an old computer.

It is important to ensure security before disposing of your old computer. You might have sensitive information that could be leaking and this could make it difficult for you.

No matter if you have a Windows PC, or a Mac, they can be vulnerable to security threats if they aren't in your possession. It is crucial that you take care of your Macs and Windows PCs with high-end cleaning products. To keep your data safe from hackers, I've compiled a list.

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Take Security Measures

Make Sure To Have A Backup

Your PC can store a lot of important information about you, your financial records, and family photos. It is therefore crucial to backup any information on your hard drive. You could also have sensitive information about your work, which could pose higher security threats to your digital health.

Store Your Data On A USB

An external USB can be a great option for backing up data. You should also make it a habit of backing up important data to an external USB drive, regardless of whether you are disposing your computer.

Wipe Your PC Clean

It is crucial that you wipe your computer clean after backing up all your data. Also, make sure each drive on your PC is completely empty. Either manually wipe your computer or use an online tool to do it. It is not time-consuming and it will be for your good. You might be unaware of something that could happen if you don't pay attention to the smallest detail.

Cloud Storage Is An Option

If you don't want to invest in an external hard drive like a USB, you can store your data over Cloud. You can access your data from any device, anywhere you want it to be, once you have saved it to the cloud. It can be used as a backup for important files, videos, documents and other information. Google Drive, one of the most popular cloud storage spaces, is a great option for this purpose. All your data will remain safe. You can also use DropBox and iCloud to accomplish the same goal.

Perform A Factory Reset

If you don't have the time or desire to manually wipe your data, but you are confident that you have backed up all your information on your computer, you can try hard reset your computer. You can be sure that your device is completely reset by performing a factory reset.


  • Click the Start button on Windows PC
  • Go to the "Settings” menu
  • Opt for "Update & Security".
  • Select the "Recovery” menu
  • Next, click on "Reset this computer"
  • And, select "Get Started"
  • Continue to follow these steps to complete the process


  • You should first restart your Apple device
  • Press and hold the Shift + Options + Command + R keys until your system boots.
  • Wait until you see the Apple logo
  • Your Mac will then reset to the original OS
  • When you see the Disk Utility, open it
  • Also, delete all data from your device


You should ensure that the person you give your computer to is trustworthy and well-informed about whereabouts. If you're selling your computer to an online retailer, you can either use eBay or Craigslist. These are two popular places where you can sell your older products for a good price. You also have the option of recycling your computer, rather than giving it away or selling off. Make sure you use to protect your data when you move it to a new computer.


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