Unable To Remove Webroot Security Software From Window Computer

The general feedback about Webroot Security Package is quite positive. There are however many users who have decided to uninstall the Webroot security software following the expiration of their trial time due to different reasons like the cost of subscriptions or getting a better deal using other antivirus software, etc.

The process of uninstalling Webroot.com/safe security program from a window computer is relatively simple however, you must make sure you are taking certain precautions when doing so, as you may encounter some mistakes. If you're not able to remove Webroot security software from your windows computer, continue studying this post. In this article, we've discussed easy steps to remove "Unable to Uninstall Webroot security package from window computer" error.

How Can I Remove Webroot Security Software From A Window PC?

It can sometimes be difficult to uninstall Webroot security program from a window computer, because Webroot security software is created to ensure that malware and viruses cannot be removed effortlessly.

If you're not able to remove Webroot security from your computer's windows, you could try any of the methods described below:

1.) Uninstall Webroot Security Package from the computer's window using the control panel
"Control Panel". Click "Control Panel" from the Start menu.

* Click "programs" followed by "Program and features".

* Look for "Webroot security package" from the list of programs.

"Click to open "Webroot security package", and then "Uninstall" or "remove".

"* Click "Yes", if the User Account Control window pops up.

Follow the steps which will be displayed on the screen. Webroot security will be removed.

Then, restart your window computer to allow changes to occur.

2.) Remove Webroot security software from your computer by using Webroot removal tool.

However, it is possible to uninstall Webroot security program using control panel is simpler, it is more prone to mistakes. If you're unable to remove Webroot security from your system using control panel you can remove it using the Webroot removal tool.

download"Webroot Remove and Reinstall," or the "Webroot remove and reinstall" tool on Webroot's site.

Now , install the download tool on your personal computer.

Open this Webroot remove and restore tool on your Windows computer.

Follow the directions from the tool and then click "Finish". It will remove the entire Webroot software from your computer.

3.) Uninstall Webroot security software from your PC by running command within windows.
This is a different option to try if you're unable to remove Webroot security program from your PC.

Hit Windows + R on your keyboard.

Input "appwiz.cpl" and press "Enter".

Click on the Webroot program you wish to remove, after that, click "uninstall" or "remove".

"Continue "continue" if the user account control window is displayed in the display

Follow the instructions that will be displayed at the top of the screen.

Finally reboot your system so that any modifications you've made will be reflected.

Things To Keep In Mind

When you remove the Webroot security program using the control panel, search for any program that is part of Symantec and delete it as well. Webroot is a part of Symantec. If you're unable to remove Webroot security program from windows computer, then removing all other products from Symantec could assist.

Keep in mind that deinstalling the Www.webroot.com/safe security software can increase the likelihood of your computer being targeted by malware, viruses and other threats to security.




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